Carbon Clean Expert
Why is Carbon Clean so special…?
We don’t put in anything into your engine that should not be there.
No Chemicals / No Additives / No Compounds nothing.
What are the real benefits to the Car.?
We all know what cholesterol is…
Imagine your heart with a build up of cholesterol inside its. That is what a vehicle or any combustion engine ends like.
Remove the carbon deposits that have built up over time, and you have a cleaner engine that breathes well and performs well too!
How does Carbon Clean Technology work?
The process involves the electrolysis of water…and essentially it allows a chemical reaction that takes advantage of the combustion and pressure with the Combustion Chamber of the engine. This then reacts with the carbon within the engine and removes it from within the combustion chamber (that’s the clever bit) and therefore prevents carbon from causing blockages to be caused.
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